On 03/02/2009, Colin Guthrie <gm...@colin.guthr.ie> wrote:
> 'Twas brillig, and Matthew Weier O'Phinney at 02/02/09 23:07 did gyre and
> gimble:
>> -- drj201 <drj...@gmail.com> wrote
>> (on Monday, 02 February 2009, 02:05 PM -0800):
>>> Question 1) Can I specify which GET params to pass to my form action?
>> No -- HTML forms submit all elements in the form (with the exception of
>> unchecked checkboxes, for some reason).
> Yeah I asked the same question on IRC the other day too... it's very
> annoying having to name your submit button which in turn causes it to be
> submitted with the form.
> Could we perhaps have some kind of logic in Zend form that suppresses the
> name= attribute from being generated?

There can be good reason to include the name attribute on submits. E.g. your
form might contain two submit buttons ('Approve' and 'Reject'), and you use
the submitted name in order to determine which was pressed.

My preference would be for Zend_Form to use the array notation by default.
This would solve this problem and also be more consistent with other
frameworks (that I've used anyway). But of course this would break BC, so
could only be introduced with version 2.0.

Tim Fountain

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