On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, till <klimp...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  > 2. The example app use Zend_Config_Ini to read ini file every request,
> > will it be slow in real apps? (since parsing take time)
> Yes, but keep in mind that you will only notice it when you get a lot
> of traffic. And you can always employ Zend_Cache later on. But I
> wouldn't fix this now since I gather it's your first ZF app. Just make
> a note (to yourself) and keep it in mind for later.
> Cheers,
> Till

While it is a good idea to cache the config file, you'll probably find
higher priority optimizations if you were to run a profiler (at least this
is what I've found). So don't sweat it too much :)

Of course, it depends on the size of your config file.

A.J. Brown
web | http://ajbrown.org
phone | (937) 660-3969

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