Hello Wesley,

for me the CSS works correctly when downloading a theme. Are you sure, that 
you that the CSS is correctly included and the css theme versions of 
DatePicker and the UI JS DatePicker match? is there an error in the theme 
maybe that the DatePicker related nodes are missing?

On the autcomplete, the jQuery UI Team removed it from the 1.6 release 
candidate in the beginning of january, which is a problem for using the 
autocomplete. It should be mentioned in the current docs, but it seems they 
havent been updated just yet. You can probably get the AutoComplete from the 
jQuery UI SVN Trunk or an Old Release Candidate of 1.7, but that is not really 
a solution. I am sorry for that problem :-(


On Wednesday 04 February 2009 16:16:14 wesleywillians wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am doing many experiences with Datepicker. Its working fine, but the CSS
> is been applying.
> I have downloaded a theme in ui.jquery.com and i call this:
> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/theme/ui.all.css" />
> All efects which I am expecting dont appear.
> Any Idea?
> About the autcomplete i receive a message saying: autocomplete is not a
> function.... Where can i download the correct plugin to work together with
> the helper autocomplete?
> all the best!
> Wesley

Benjamin Eberlei

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