I'm sure that many of you have heard the news that Zend made its
next-generation application server available for public beta today:


Many people have been asking how this will affect Zend Framework users.
The fact is, we are the people who are likely to benefit the most. Why?


1)       Zend Server will provide a dead simple way to install
everything you need to start working with ZF on any supported platform,
including the major Linux distros, Windows, and Mac OSX. In combination
with Zend_Tool and Zend_Application, Server CE will get our brand new ZF
users up and running within a few clicks. And don't forget- Server CE is

2)      There has never been a better environment to run ZF applications
in, period. Zend Server has all the necessary extensions, will have
Zend_Tool executables pre-installed, and- in the paid product- will have
security hotfixes for issues like the one we ran in to last week

3)      There is much more to come.


I hope everyone will take a few minutes to give it a whirl:






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