So I'm grying to create and instance of zend_cache_frontend_file but I
am getting an exception from setMasterFile() saying that the
masterfile cannot be read and indicating that there is no masterfile
being set. Here are my frontend options:

$frontendFileOptions    =       array(  'cache_id_prefix'                       
=>      'vagabond_',
'automatic_serialization'       =>      1,
                        =>      $filesArr       );

I am setting master_files instead of master_file because the docs say
that master_file is depricated and that I should instead sent an array
of files to master_files. If I set master_file instead of master_files
it works and I see no reverence to master_files in

So what's the problem? As far as I can tell the documentation is
making things up and should not be saying that master_file is
depricated and should not even mention master_files. Any thoughts?


Have fun or die trying - but try not to actually die.

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