On 23 Apr 2009, at 23:42, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

That said, we're seeing some momentum by shared hosts as well as xAMP
stacks to include ZF in the default include_path (Zend Server falls in
this category as well). In such cases, you may be able to bootstrap your ZF application and still use your preferred version of ZF by adding your

One sitation we considered was having Zend_Application add a minimal
include_path to ensure that your ZF include_path includes the path in
which it is found, if that makes sense. Basically, in the constructor,
we'd do something like this:

   $localPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../');
   set_include_path($localPath . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());

The problem with this is that it's horribly inefficient if you already
have ZF on your include_path, and adds overhead on every call. We opted
to drop it in order to keep bootstrapping as performant as possible.

Does this imply that you (the ZF team) believe that best practice ZF sites do not need the library/ directory on their include_path now?



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