do you use phpunit 3.4? this might be a problem indeed.

otherwise, zend_test is doing integration testing and using that soley for 
test-driven-development is probably a bad idea, since you test too many 
components in conjunction rather than unit-testing a single component in 


On Monday 08 June 2009 03:18:26 pm Ralf Eggert wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> > I think setting throwExceptions to true on your front controller
> > in test mode only should fix this, but you won't then be able test
> > some of the error controller functionality.
> That did not help at all. I turned of the ErrorHandler and that worked
> partly. Now I don't get any error at all, i.e. the test passes although
> the IndexController::showAction() method does not exist yet.
> This is annoying since I worked Test-driven for ages with ZF and now
> after moving to 1.8.2 my approach is not possible any more.
> Any one any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Ralf
> P.S. Maybe the upgrade to a new PHPUnit version caused this issue?

Benjamin Eberlei

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