A view helper that allows easy creation of Amazon Web Services S3 Query
String Authentication urls.

In short, query string authentication allows creation of URLS that can
access private S3 objects which would otherwise require authentication. The
created URLS have an expiration time. One use for this is to only allow
links to your images stored on S3 to be available to viewers of your
website. (technically speaking to anyone having the created *unexpired *

Usage in a view script: <img src="<?= $this->S3link('mybucket/myobject.jpg',
30); ?>" alt="" />

The above would generate something similar to:

<img src="
****s=1250687683&Signature=vjbyAxhzyZaNvGa%2ByT45YEenS4%3D" alt="" />

This would provide a working link to the otherwise private "myobject.jpg"
object inside of the "mybucket" bucket. The link would be valid for 30
seconds. After 30 seconds the object would no longer be accessible using
this url.

I have been using this view helper for some time now. I am very interested
in creating a proposal, refactoring my code to meet ZF standards, and
eventually having this view helper included in the Zend Framework.

Thanks for your time. I appreciate it.


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