Limoges, France


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney

> -- J DeBord <jasdeb...@gmail.com> wrote
> (on Wednesday, 19 August 2009, 02:25 PM +0200):
> > A view helper that allows easy creation of Amazon Web Services S3 Query
> String
> > Authentication urls.
> >
> > In short, query string authentication allows creation of URLS that can
> access
> > private S3 objects which would otherwise require authentication. The
> created
> > URLS have an expiration time. One use for this is to only allow links to
> your
> > images stored on S3 to be available to viewers of your website.
> (technically
> > speaking to anyone having the created unexpired link)
> >
> > Usage in a view script: <img src="<?=
> $this->S3link('mybucket/myobject.jpg',
> > 30); ?>" alt="" />
> >
> > The above would generate something similar to:
> >
> > <img src="http://s3.amazonaws.com/mybucket/myobject.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=
> > 44CF9590006BF252F707&Expires=1250687683&Signature=
> > vjbyAxhzyZaNvGa%2ByT45YEenS4%3D" alt="" />
> >
> > This would provide a working link to the otherwise private "myobject.jpg"
> > object inside of the "mybucket" bucket. The link would be valid for 30
> seconds.
> > After 30 seconds the object would no longer be accessible using this url.
> This looks like a great helper! I'd like to see a sane default of
> 60-120s on the expiration (to give people a chance to read the page and
> follow the links), but otherwise, seems like a natural fit. Please *do*
> create the proposal! :)

Matthew and all,

I've created the proposal here:

Of course I'd love to receive some feedback / questions / advice etc. So if
you have a minute, take a look.

One immediate concern I have is how to supply the AWS public and private
keys to the view helper. Entering them as arguments is not a good idea. I
currently store my keys in a Zend_Config object which is used as a resource
of Zend_Application. Then I access them in the view helper's constructor.
This seems to create some dependencies that I'd like to avoid. Is there a
way to "bootstrap" a view helper. Maybe set up some static variables for
each of the public keys?

Thanks again for your tilme.

> > I have been using this view helper for some time now. I am very
> interested in
> > creating a proposal, refactoring my code to meet ZF standards, and
> eventually
> > having this view helper included in the Zend Framework.

> --
> Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> Project Lead            | matt...@zend.com
> Zend Framework          | http://framework.zend.com/

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