Hello everyone,

I recently began a small project for myself to get more familiar with some ZF 
components which I haven't touched so much in the past.

The project is basically a small, module-based, CMS. I've gotten most things 
sorted out but there's one thing which I've been intensely trying to wrap my 
head around. ACL. I've been googling like mad for the past week and read all 
articles I could get my hands on but I still can't seem to come up with a 
decent idea which I why I'm hoping for some feedback from you, the braintrust :)

The basics of it, is quite common - I think. A user is associated with a group 
for which access rights to a certain resource can be defined. I'm storing the 
access rights in my database for it to be easy to edit through the 
administration panel. Actually, the ease of use is what's giving me my 
headache. I'd like to achieve a nice modular structure and make it easy to 
develop new modules and add them to the system. The problem then begins with 
the new modules having new resources for which it should be able to define 
access rights. As it is now, modules already have to be "registered" with the 
system before being accessible and it's not that hard also making it able to 
load in resources for a module - right now, all modules implement a Config 
class which contains information such as which resources it defines and the 
priveliges allowed for each resource. Where my headache really gets severe is 
when taking assertions into consideration. Some modules, such as the Blog, 
needs to make use of assertions to allow the owner of a post to edit it but not 
edit every other post. So ok, each module also implements some assertions. But 
how do I, when constructing the ACL from the database, take assertions into 
consideration? My first idea was to store assertion names in the database to, 
when registering a module. So that when building the ACL and stumbling across a 
resource which needs to have access defined with an assertion in it, the 
assertions class name such as Blog_Acl_Assertion_IsPostOwner and it would then 
instantiate the assertion class when building the ACL. But somehow, I don't 
find that idea very appealing.

Therefore, I'd like to query you guys if you experience with working with 
something like this or just an idea on how to make this happen.

Thank you for reading on through all my babble.

Kind regards
Christian Rasmussen

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