Wow, lots going on here.  I'll try to help where I can.

I actually blogged about the situation you descibed about blog posts and owners:

In that scenario, your assertion would likely be interacting with the database to determine the proper conclusion.

As for the other modules, you can probably take advantage of the module initialization:

This will allow you to set things up prior to routing (if there is an application wide ACL object.) This way, each module can inject its own rules into the ACL for the rest of the system to consume, if that is your intended goal.

I would assume that since you are using a database to store the fine grained information, you'll likely be using the ACL to describe what "roles" have access to as opposed to what exact users have access to. This is where your system will become assertion heavy, which IMO is not a bad thing. It keeps the ACL checks fairly succinct throughout the rest of the applicaiton, and most of the actual business logic for determining access inside your assertions, which are more than likely inside your models folder (you are modeling access controls after all).

Hope this gets you started,

taking assertions into consideration. Some modules, such as the Blog, needs to make use of assertions to allow the owner of a post to edit it but not edit every other post. So ok, each module also implements some assertions. But how do I, when constructing the ACL from the database, take assertions into consideration? My first idea was to store assertion names in the database to, when registering a module. So that when building the ACL and stumbling across a resource which needs to have access defined with an assertion in it, the assertions class name such as Blog_Acl_Assertion_IsPostOwner and it would then instantiate the assertion class when building the ACL. But somehow, I don't find that idea very appealing. Therefore, I'd like to query you guys if you experience with working with something like this or just an idea on how to make this happen. Thank you for reading on through all my babble. Kind regards
Christian Rasmussen

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