> First, the Doctrine integration effort is happening *now*, and focusses
> on two separate integrations: one for the Doctrine 1 series, and one for
> the Doctrine 2 series. Doctrine 1.x works with PHP versions >= 5.2, and
> many, many folks are using it with ZF successfully already (myself
> included). If you search for blog posts that reference both ZF and
> Doctrine, you'll find several dozen out there.

Yep, I knew that you're actively working on integrating Doctrine 1 in the ZF.
I've been using Doctrine 1 for a while but it didn't meet my needs. As I said
I tend to be a object bigot and to avoid dependency of the domain model upon
other layers of the application.

> Second, Doctrine2 is currently in alpha status. My understanding is that
> they hope to have a stable release sometime in Q1 2010 (somebody correct
> me if I'm wrong). In addition, there are a number of frameworks moving
> towards PHP 5.3-only versions in the coming year: Symfony, Lithium,
> Agavi... and ZF itself, in version 2.0, will require 5.3 and above.

> Because so many projects will be adopting 5.3, there will be tremendous
> pressure on the part of hosting providers to make 5.3 a standard option.
> In fact, many Linux distributions and Mac OS X are shipping 5.3 as the
> default PHP version. I don't foresee this as a problem at all.
Okay, this would be great. Maybe this time hosting providers will migrate
to the newer version of PHP sooner.

> While I admire your enthusiasm to continue working on Zend_Entity, I
> would like you to consider giving Doctrine a try -- I'd start with
> 1.2.0. While it's not JPA compliant, it's more than usable, and much of
> what you learn with it will still be applicable later when you are able
> to adopt PHP 5.3 and Doctrine 2.0. If it still doesn't meet your needs,
> then the next step would be to build a _consortium_ of interested
> developers. We know from experience already that having a single
> developer on Zend_Entity is non-viable, and would take much too long to
> complete the project.

Okay. By the way I think I'll start using PHP 5.3 and get started with
Doctrine 2


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