
prado wrote:
But the web hosting company's production server (plesk) also creates the
folders with all that standard public_html folder and others once I create a
sub-domain. Now I don't want that to happen, I want the sub-domain to exist
but without its physical folders. I will be asking the provider for the
I am not sure if I can bypass the sub-domain folders (or some sort of
sub-domain redirection to the domain folder) with some htaccess trickery. I
am not great in regex so I don't know if it is possible to do this way

The only thing that is needed is a ServerAlias in the <VirtualHost ...> apache configuration for the main domain, preferably a wilcard alias. It would surprise me if Plesk can not handle that. If not, I fear you are stuck, unless you can somehow hook into the generated Apache configuration by Plesk. (It has been about 3 years since I worked with plesk on this level, so I can not help you with that, but if I remember correctly, Plesk includes a host.conf files somewhere per domain where you could put the ServerAlias directive yourself).


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