I think this calls for a new component Zend_Validate_Branch that would allow
the validator chain to branch depending on values of other form fields.
Anyone agree?


From: Hector Virgen [mailto:djvir...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, 23 December 2009 2:59 AM
To: Guillaume ORIOL
Cc: fw-general@lists.zend.com
Subject: Re: [fw-general] isValid not executed on multicheckbox when the
element is not required and value is not set


Place the validator at the choice1 element. You can write a custom validator
that accepts a $context array as the second parameter to filter() which will
contain the rest of the forms values. You can then test the checkboxes at
that point.


On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 5:54 AM, Guillaume ORIOL <gor...@technema.fr> wrote:

Here is a schematic view of the form I have:
(*) choice 1
   [X] option 1
   [_] option 2
   [_] option 3
( ) choice 2

When "choice 1" is checked, at least one of the three options should be
I wanted to write a specific validator for the options but...
as the "options" multi-checkbox is not required (as they are ignored if
choice 2 is checked), when no option is checked, the validator is not
executed at all.

Does anybody have a solution for it?


Guillaume ORIOL


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