On Mon, 01 Mar 2010 07:43:25 +0800, Pádraic Brady wrote:

You might mean the throwExceptions option if you are trying to selectively enable/disable the ErrorController. The displayExceptions only controls whether an Exception stack is shown by the ErrorController or not.

Sorry for the confusion; I mean to control the Exception stack of the ErrorController,
rather than enable/disable the ErrorController :)
I still wonder why it doesn't have effect.
For example, assuming 'displayExceptions' is 1 now:
class ViewController extends Zend_Controller_Action

    public function init()
        /* Initialize action controller here */
        // turn off exception stack info
        $front->setParam('displayExceptions', 0);
        throw new Exception("Test exception!");

When I visit "http://localhost/zblog/public/view/";, I still got the Exception.


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