(index)" message. When I call http://myproject/bar it works fine. So a
module with a capital letter cannot be found by the router. If I change
the directory path from /application/modules/Foo to
/application/modules/foo everything works fine again. So, from this
point I think having a capital letter in a module is not a good idea.

I actually ran into this too recently, and thus started thinking...

Now, the two model classes have the names bar_Model_Foo and
Foo_Model_Bar. The model class for the module bar starts with a small

This is a bug. The module name should be capitalized when creating models inside modules.

I think the question that should be asked is, what is the canonical naming format for a "module". This should be considered from the "how do I code with this name" perspective, and not from the "how do I route to this name" perspective.

Should modules be expected to be dash-separated, CamelCased?

I think the trend is that our application directory should contain elements that are CamelCased so that there is minimal conversion going on with respect to autoloaders.

We can then put the onus onto the router to find valid routes and convert those url names to code paths (controllers, actions and modules).

letter and the other class with a capital letter. I would love the class
to be called Bar_Model_Foo but this only works if I create a module with
Zend_Tool which has a capital letter. The name for the model itself
doesn't take care if the model name has a capital or not when created by

This is weird. Is this just a bug or is this a feature which I don't

There are lots of moving parts I hate to confess. We should discuss what we'd expect this to do, and all the technical limitations we are working within.


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