I was wondering if anyone had some good resources on the topic of working on a project with a team of php developers. In particular looking at the local setup for a developer. Should each developer have their own LAMP instance (probably using a VM)? Or is it better to have one centralized dev server, where each developer has their own user, and their local copies are on that machine, and they connect either through samba, ftp, etc.

Surprisingly there is not much on team development, and instead on how one developer can setup their own development on their local machine.

Being a freelancer for the past few years, and then previously working with a company who used their own proprietary language/environment, I would love to know how other php shops developing enterprise web application (using ZF of course :)) manage this.

What are some guidelines, best practices, etc. I am looking to the ZF community because I feel the standards here are high, and part of the point of ZF is how to build php projects the right way, or at least in way that helps promote best practices. Just compare the code from Wordpress to ZF:)


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