On 06/08/2010 19:14, Paul wrote:
Well Tortoise Subversion is just a svn client. I have that all sorted. The issue is where are the local copies stored. Centralized dev server or each developer local machine. Wanted to see most organizations do, and some best practices.

On 8/6/2010 1:51 PM, Deborah Dalcin wrote:
Should also check out tortoise subversion. It's not without it's problems, but it's a pretty solid tool.

On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Paul <z...@zooluserver.com <mailto:z...@zooluserver.com>> wrote:

    We currently use PHING, I have heard of Apache Maven, will look
    into this.

    On 8/6/2010 12:00 PM, Hector Virgen wrote:

        Apache Maven

www.pseudoworlds.gibbserv.net/mms <http://www.pseudoworlds.gibbserv.net/mms>
www.killk.gibbserv.net <http://www.killk.gibbserv.net>

FWIW I've been preparing a chapter about the various tools and methods for team development.

It comes down to this: keep all files on a central repository and have developers check out, modify and check back in. Developers tend to prefer their own "ways" of storing files locally but my view is they should mimic the central repository: retain a mirror of it. This avoids confusion and also assists managing of trunk, pre-release and release file/package versions.

To explain how development teams can mirror a common system I've used the acronym MILDRED (Managed Integrated Laboratory for Research Evolution and Development). I shall release a draft as soon as I can because I've had various developers (unconnected with ZF) asking for detail of setting up the various parts of a MILDRED (only for Win machines with Apache ATM but intended to grow for wider use). Unfortunately I've been delayed through pressure by projects. I could send the OP a somewhat broken draft if wanted, perhaps get some feedback in return.

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