It would be better to design the system so the password is never saved raw in 
the system, only save hashed. Then if a user wants to recover the password 
generate a temp and then have them set a new password. Then if you are salting 
your hashes you have a far more secure application. Just my humble opinion.

Joshua Morris

On Mar 31, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Simon Walter <> wrote:

> On 31/03/2011 19:48, Steve Rayner wrote:
>> Is it possible to get the password field populated when populating a form?
>> I like the default behaviour for a login form, when the value is not
>> populated, but for editing a user's details i want the current
>> password populated in the box.
>> My only work around at the moment is to use a Zend_Form_Element_Text
>> object instead and make the password visible.
> Rather than this, what I do is only if the password field is filled in, I 
> check it against the password confirmation field and include it in the data 
> to updated in the DB.
> If there are better ways of doing this, I'm also interested in hearing about 
> it.
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