@marco Yeah true and I guess I was also talking about my experiance. I didn't 
touch composer when I first dived into ZF2. It slipped my mind also the 
composer direction in the tutorial, but like you said, you don't need composer 
till needs must. So I would stick by what I said


Marco Pivetta <ocram...@gmail.com> wrote:

@Dan each new user coming in has been using composer or directed to composer so 
far (talking of the support I give via IRC)... It's just my experience though. 
People should learn PSR-0 these days, and once you got PSR-0, composer is kinda 
"must" :\

Marco Pivetta 



On 30 May 2013 19:48, Dan.latter <dan.lat...@gmail.com> wrote:

In my opinion all you are doing is adding another step a new user will have to 
perform when getting up and running with ZF2, and thus adding another layer of 
complexity, to what is already somthing that is hard to get a grip of.

Maybe add 2 implementations or show how both are used but with loader as 

I understand composer has benefits in the long run but you are learning ZF2 , 
not composer.


Marco Pivetta <ocram...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi everybody!

tl;dr: ZF2: do you use composer or Zend\Loader? Simply reply with "loader"
or "composer" :)

I've been discussing on IRC about dropping the pre-configured Zend\Loader
instance in standard MVC applications (we're discussing that for ZF3).
Since I was asserting that most users do use composer for autoloading their
stuff, I got told to get proof of that - so please just drop me a line :)

The main idea is to move away from configuring autoloading per-library and
instead use composer to autoload everything. Here's how the config of a
composer.json file would look:

    "autoload": {
        "psr-0": {
            "MyLib": "path/to/my-lib"

Here's how it would look with Zend\Loader:

include $zf2Path . '/Zend/Loader/AutoloaderFactory.php';
    'Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => array(
        'autoregister_zf' => true,
        'namespaces' => array(
            'MyLib' => "path/to/my-lib",

The main difference here is that composer requires us to run `composer
dump-autoload` before being able to use `MyLib`

The idea is NOT about dropping Zend\Loader, but just removing the
initialization logic from the skeleton application.

If you also have thoughts except for your preference, please share!

Marco Pivetta



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