I was thinking why not continue to work with the existing application and
then also allocate time to recreate it using ZF2?

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 12:18 AM, dennis-fedco <dmatve...@fedco-usa.com>wrote:

> I have this existing application with existing feature for product X.  You
> select product options from menu options and it generates a PDF.  Code that
> runs this spans throughout a 6000-line technology soup PHP file collection.
> It is a complex intertwined procedural/oo aplication (600K lines) that uses
> outdated and questionable programming practices, has no clear separation of
> components, and more so represents files spanning thousands of lines of php
> code with SQL, HTML, jQuery, and CSS, with functions all rolled into one.
> Each file calls functionality in some other file, and tracing a single
> feature through these can be quite an exercise (thereby creating its own
> entangled architecture of sorts).  It is somewhat modularized, but not in a
> ZF2 module sense.  To call a certain module, you can say
> router.php?m=<module_name>, which effectively calls a certain file.
> My task is to make this work with a new product Y that uses different
> parameters and different custom computations to create the PDF for Y.
> Original intent was to rewrite this entire application in ZF2, but this is
> prohibitive at the moment due to the customer needing functionality *now*,
> and re-architecting this app in ZF2 will probably take years.
> Normally, I would Copy and Paste code that runs X into some place and call
> it Y, and then go over the copied code and change parameters and
> computations accordingly, to make feature Y work.  Problems:  code
> duplication, code divergence, lack of testing, no DI, no separation, etc.
> So here is the challenge -- *I want to take steps towards ZF2*, and  ZF2
> can
> call any existing code
> <
> http://zend-framework-community.634137.n4.nabble.com/Best-Practices-on-incorporating-non-OO-non-ZF2-code-into-ZF2-app-tp4661601p4661602.html
> >
> ...  but ... how?
> Do I just create an "empty facade" ZF2 wrapper around these files?  Maybe
> create custom routing that somehow works seamlessly with existing
> application?  These are not cleaned up library code files, these are actual
> business logic files, embedded in long spaghetti code PHP .  Putting a ZF2
> facade around them seems a bit superfluous as it won't magically make them
> a
> ZF2 application, but maybe is a start.  I am not entirely sure HOW to
> ZF2-ize my task, or if it will be good to do it in the first place.  I
> think
> I may just succumb to copy and paste approach and fail to take steps
> towards
> ZF2, unless there is some sort of a nice solution that I can implement here
> that hopefully will not take too much time when compared to the copy and
> paste approach.
> Do I try to ZF2-ize this app or just forget about it?  What if something
> else, like decoupling/organizing/refactoring this application is a better
> mindset to take in the long term, in a sense preparing the codebase for ZF2
> instead of thinking about ZF2-ing it from the get go?
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://zend-framework-community.634137.n4.nabble.com/I-have-a-challenge-for-ZF2-tp4661664.html
> Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
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Alexander R. Torrijos
Web Developer
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