On 13 February 2014 18:28, dennis-fedco <dmatve...@fedco-usa.com> wrote:

> Hence, I propose an idea for a colossal rewrite towards ZF2:
> Step 1:  start using ZF2 directory structure where I can, even what's
> inside
> of it may be a big huge mess
> Step 2:  start separating controllers, Model code and View code into its
> proper directories and folders, as convenient.
> Step 3:  continue to modularize, class-ifize, and SOLID-ifize the code,
> until further ZF2 things become possible
> Whether it's worth the effort to go towards ZF2, or just towards some kind
> of framework is worth considering further.

Yes, that's basically how I started moving a large project across to ZF1 a
while back. It's not easy, but can be done in smaller steps.

But you don't mention tests. Do you have any? If not, start writing them -
you can't refactor like this without knowing what you've broken.


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