> This is another question about the golf, isn't it? We've
> been asked not to post our solutions to the list, but
> what is the etiquette about asking for help on golf-
> related topics while the competition is still running?
> I'm new to this list, so someone give me some guidance...

If you need help on a specific special var or option then I
guess it's okay to ask.  The action of asking implies:

A. You aren't a Golf Pro (yet)
B. You need extra help

The pros have already scoured every reference on special
vars etc that they can get their hands on.  Beginners
should look VERY carefully at:

perl -h
perldoc perlvar
perldoc perlrun

Asking about regexs might be slightly different, since
*sometimes* there can be length optimisations that someone
else might not have spotted.

It is the "Fun With Perl" mailing list after all...

Jonathan Paton

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