Current Leaderboard
 1.   65   Eugene van der Pijll
 2.   69   Rick Klement
 3.   75   Ton Hospel
 4.   75+  Keith C Ivey
 5.   77   Tim Gim Yee
 6.   78   Wesley Darlington
 7.   78^  Honza Pazdziora
 8.   78   Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak
 9.   80   Yanick
10.   81   Matthew Byng-Maddick
11.   81   Sean McAfee
12.   81^  Daryl Olson
13.   84   sthoenna
14.   84   Piers Cawley
15.   84   BooK
16.   84   Jerome Quelin
17.   85   Evan A Zacks
18.   86^  Ala Qumsieh
19.   87   Ronald J Kimball
20.   87   Alistair McGlinchy
21.   93^  Peter Scott
22.   94   Bart Lateur
23.   99^  Michael Assels
24.  114^  Jeff Yoak
25.  120   Cedric Bouvier

Beginner's Leaderboard
 1.   79^  Peter Makholm
 2.   83^  Jason Henry Parker
 3.   85   Qingning Huo
 4.   86   Aaron Trickey
 5.   87^  Stephen Turner
 6.   88   Dave Hoover
 7.   91   David Lowe
 8.   92   Phil Radden
 9.   92^  Rick Myers
10.   94^  Roberto Ruiz
11.   95^  Mark Suter
12.   96   Anthony J Breeds-Taurima
13.   99   Joerg Ziefle
14.  100   Kwok Chern Yue
15.  101   Jeff Helman
16.  101   Byron Jones
17.  105   rjcox
18.  106^  Scott Wessels
19.  115   Lian Claudiu Sebe
20.  116   Josh Schulz
21.  117   Jean-Pierre Vidal
22.  118   Briac Pilpre
23.  124^  Bill Jones

^ Indicates upward movement since last leaderboard
+ Indicates downward movement since last leaderboard

Hole Leaders
Hole 1: Eugene van der Pijll
Hole 2: Rick Klement, Tim Gim Yee, Yanick, Keith C Ivey,
        Eugene van der Pijll, Daryl Olson, sthoenna,
        Ton Hospel, Piers Cawley, Wesley Darlington,
        Jerome Quelin, BooK, Evan A Zacks, Stephen Turner,
        Honza Pazdziora, Yenya, Peter Makholm,
        Jason Henry Parker

We now have 48 entries.
Come on, we only need two more entries to crack the 50 barrier!

Late starters and friends Honza and Yenya have both moved to the
excellent score of 78 strokes, and within minutes of each other.
Hmm, are they giving each other hints? Nope, their solutions are
quite different! Add another to the list of interesting little
battles going on inside the main list. :)

The Beginner's Tournament has surprised me with the intensity
of the competition, which seems to be driving these guys to new
levels of Perl mastery. Peter Makholm has just crashed thru
the 80 barrier -- a fantastic perforamance for a beginner!


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