On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 10:38:29AM -0500, Ted Zlatanov wrote:
> I remember a lengthy LCS discussion, and the solutions for the most
> part used the regex engine.  I also looked on CPAN, but couldn't find
> a canonical LCS module.
> Has anyone developed an implementation of the well-known bitstring
> algorithm?  Basically you convert your data strings to bitstrings, AND
> the two, and look for the longest match.  Then you rotate the shorter
> data string by one, and repeat the test.  Repeat for the number of
> bits in the shorter data string.  I want to do it, but just wanted to
> check if it had come up before on FWP.
> There are even better algorithms to do this.  I found them with
> Google; for instance the Goeman & Clausen 1999 "A New Practical Linear
> Space Algorithm for the LCS Problem" paper looks interesting but is
> beyond what I remember of my college math.  It describes a 
> O(ns + min(mp, (m log(m)) + p(n-p))) time, linear space algorithm and a
> O(ns + min(mp, p(n-p))) time, O(ns) space algorithm, and claims the
> latter to be the fastest known such algorithm (m = size of string A, 
> n = size of string B, n>= m, s = alphabet size, p = length of LCS).
> I'm pretty sure implementations of the Goeman & Clausen algorithms
> haven't been done in Perl yet.

I'd like to point out that the LCS problem from the literature is usually
a harder problem than the LCS problem discussed here.  Here we usually
talk about consecutive common substrings, while the literature drops
the consective restriction.


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