On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Ted Zlatanov wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bart Lateur) writes:
> > On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 10:38:29 -0500, Ted Zlatanov wrote:
> >
> >>Has anyone developed an implementation of the well-known bitstring
> >>algorithm?  Basically you convert your data strings to bitstrings, AND
> >>the two, and look for the longest match.
> >
> > Maybe it's just me, but that doesn't feel right. If you AND two
> > bitstrings, you loose information.
> >
> > I'd rather look into XOR, and look for the longest string of null bytes
> > in the result.
> Sorry, I meant XOR of course.  I was not thinking.

This is essentially what my solution at
  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01662.html

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK    http://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
"This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC, 2/Jul/01

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