On Sat, 31 Aug 2002, Steffen Mueller wrote:
> Marc Majcher wrote:
> >
> > http://icfpcontest.cse.ogi.edu/
> > http://icfpcontest.cse.ogi.edu/task.html
> >
> > You've got 72 hours to get in there and get your Perl on with those
> > Haskell, Dylan and O'Caml types.
> The problem is: How are you going to make execution time per turn stay below
> a second (see the rules)? That's not much for such a task and Perl.

It only has to stay below a second _on average_.  Most of the time all
your robot will be doing is moving from place A to place B.  Or trying
to push other robots into the water.  Or trying not to get pushed.  None
of those takes that much time to plan.

The computationally intensive part is route planning, and possibly
package selection if your carrying capacity runs out.  Those you'll only
have to do when picking up a new load of stuff to deliver.

And Perl isn't that slow.  I'd be more worried about the 64MB limit...

Ilmari Karonen - http://www.sci.fi/~iltzu/
"We have argued that unskilled individuals suffer a dual burden: Not only
 do they perform poorly, but they fail to realize it.  It ... appears that
 extremely competent individuals suffer a burden as well.  Although they
 perform competently, they fail to realize that their proficiency is not
 necessarily shared by their peers."
                        -- http://www.apa.org/journals/psp/psp7761121.html

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