On 10/14/02 2:45 PM, "Aaron Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am very curious as to the reason you would want to do this.  You don't
> seem to be excluding any specific information in the rewrite, if you
> just want the create statements you can do a mysqldump -d
> I suppose if you just have the dump and are doing to be creating them
> then this might be a useful process.
> Aaron Johnson

-Sx- wrote:
>> open (RFILE, "<Daily_bb551_20021410000103286.dump") or

You are right - if I wanted to dump the DB and then import it.  That was not
my goal.  The Dump is an actual MySQL dump, but the application environment
that created it is a Blackboard system http://www.blackboard.com/.

By license I am not authorized to screw with the application to "try to
repair things."

So, I have dumped the data itself - which FCCJ owns - and am writing a set
of Perl programs that treat this "dump file" as the database.

My goals are -

1) Write an interface to this file;
2) Cross reference the keys;
3) Rewrite the data in a non-MySQL format.
4) Maybe make this a bridge to other On-Line systems (WebCT, et al.)

If Bb would get off their ass they could have fixed many of the problems
this "resolution discovery" application I am writing would resolve.

It's the "lesser of two evils" approach to application design.

Maybe. Hopefully.
-Bill-  :]
Three virtues of programming: laziness,  impatience, hubris
Three virtues of community  : diligence, patience, humility
                              -- Larry Wall, Author of perl

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