
Being the original poster of this thread,
I just wanted to refresh everyone's
memory and repost what I settled upon:

# WARNING: Much code was deleted for brevity...

        if (/CREATE\s+TABLE/) {
     print NFILE "\n\n$_\n";

   # End of segment
     if (/Dumping.+table/) {

   # Get data, while $flag
     if ($flag) {
          print NFILE "$_\n ";

     # Everything else is skipped
     # during natural looping...

# WARNING: Much code was deleted for brevity...


     Example of the snapshot -

     # Table structure for table 'addressbook'
     CREATE TABLE addressbook (
       .  Get everything here ...
      PRIMARY KEY (pk1,sos_id_pk2),
       KEY addrbk_users_fk_i (users_pk1,users_sos_id_pk2)

       # Dumping data for table 'addressbook'

       The line above denotes end of this segment;
       skip all data until next CREATE TABLE area...

It has the virtue of having gotten the
job done quickly. I do appreciate everyone
postings and thoughts, however;

-Sx-  :]

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