
I hope I understand the problem correctly, i.e. `how to escape'?

In this case I always prefer:

our %ESCMAP     = ();
for ( 0 .. 255 ) { $ESCMAP{ chr( $_ ) } = sprintf("%%%02X", $_); }

sub web_escape
  my $text = shift;
  $text =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9_.-])/$ESCMAP{$1}/g;
  return $text;

which I've also seen in one library but I don't remember where
(CGI.pm, LWP?) anyway...

of cource the usual is:

sub usual_escape
  my $text = shift;
  $text =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9_.-])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/ge;
  return $text;

I did few benchmarks. The results were:

(for 1_000_000 iterations over ~20 char string)

web_escape: 18 sec
usual_escape: 22 sec
escape (from the previous message, i.e. below): ~70 sec

P! Vladi.

On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 09:42:08 -0600

> Improvements? Did somebody mention improvements??
> Andy Bach, Sys. Mangler
> Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> VOICE: (608) 261-5738  FAX 264-5030
> Programming is a Dark Art, and it will always be. The programmer is 
> fighting against the two most destructive forces in the universe: entropy 
> and human stupidity.  -Damian Conway, Perl Guru
> ----- Forwarded by Andy Bach/WIWB/07/USCOURTS on 11/15/02 09:40 AM -----
> saith: "Niels Poppe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > I figure a lot of people on this list handle UTF-8 and perl :)
> >
> > What works with URI escaping it?
> >
> > URI::Escape's &uri_escape fails (miscounts bytes/chars somewhere)
> >
> If all else fails, the following does work (on either version of
> perl).
> sub escape {
>   join '', map {
>     chr($_) =~ /([a-zA-Z0-9_.-])/o? $1 : sprintf "%%%02X", $_
>   } unpack 'C*', shift
> }
> Any improvements are welcome.
> Niels

Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Personal home page at http://www.biscom.net/~cade
DataMax Ltd. http://www.datamax.bg
Too many hopes and dreams won't see the light...

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