On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:34:23 +0000 (GMT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>      $i = 20;
>>      my($x, $y, $z) = ($i++, $i, $i++);
>Now, it appears that perl's evaluation order is accident rather than
>design - so you SHOULD NOT rely on it.  Avoid causing side-effects on
>variables you use more than once... including the multiple use of shift
>in assignment.

This isn't an issue of evaluation order.  In the example above, perl
evaluates first $i++, then $i, then $i++, placing the results in a
list.  Then the assignment is done.  The reason $y becomes 22 is that
the *variable* $i is in the list (by reference, if you will), not the
*value* of $i.  Only when the assignment is done is the value

Keep in mind that perl passes parameters by reference, and almost all
operands act just like subroutine parameters.  If you have:

sub aassign{ print "\$_[$_] is $_[$_]\n" for 0..$#_ }
$i = 20;
aassign($i++, $i, $i++)

you get:

$_[0] is 20
$_[1] is 22
$_[2] is 21

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