Philippe 'BooK' Bruhat wrote: 
> So we have :
>     symbol    nickname                Role
>     ------    --------                ----
>     <=>       spaceship               documented operator
>     0+        venus                   numification
>     }{        eskimo greeting         END{} in one-liners
>     =()=      goatse
>     ~-        inchworm on a stick     high-precedence numification
>     ~~        inchworm                scalar
>     "@{[]}"                           join $", ...
>     -+-       spacestation            high-precedence numification

For the sake of the Perl historians, it would be nice to properly
attribute these inventions.

The table below is based on wild guesswork. If there are any oldbies
listening, please chime in with corrections.

Secret Operator                       Inventor           Year
---------------                       --------           ----

@{[]}  aka ???                        The Schwartz       early 1990s
}{     aka eskimo greeting            The Abigail        late 1990s
=()=   aka goatse                     ???
-+-    aka spacestation               The McGlinchy      ???
~~     aka inchworm                   ???
~-     aka inchworm-on-a-stick        The Hospel         2002

We could also classify golfing techniques:

Golfing Technique                     Inventor           Year
-----------------                     --------           ----

$_ x= boolean expression              The Larry          early 1990s
y///c aka Abigail's Length Horror     The Abigail        late 1990s
stuff value into $\ for printing      The van der Pijll  2001
}for(...){ variation of eskimo        The Hospel         2001
--$| magical flip-flop                The Hospel         2002
\$h{X} is one less than ++$h{X}
       aka Thelen's Device            The Thelen         2002
-i and $^I for data value             The Sperling       2002

Notice that some of the secret operators above also double as
golfing techniques. I'm sure there are plenty of other golfing
techniques I've forgotten because I am so rusty.


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