I saw a great deal for a USB 2.0 Cardbus-compliant PCMCIA card. Though it doesn't mention being Mac-compatible, it is a tempting buy at US$25.74 at ComputerGeeks.com: (info and quote from Dealmac.com:)

"The 2-port USB 2.0 PCMCIA card costs $28.60 at ComputerGeeks.com. Use coupon code "DEALNEWS" to knock the net price to $25.74, the best we know to be available. Add $6 for shipping."

My question is, would it work on a Mac? Would any Cardbus USB card work in Powerbook in OS 10.2- are the drivers built into the OS now? I guess I could ask this same question about Firewire 3.5 cases- would any and all work??? (PS- no manufacturer name is given for the card)

Bill M

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