On Dec 30, 2003, at 4:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wake from sleep issues can be hardware or software related and are probably
the service request I most hate to see. My routine is this:

0) remove anything from the computer that isn't stock - including your
memory upgrade. Make sure all your software is updated. If the kernel panics
continue go on to step 1. If they stop check out all the extras one by one.
At the shop we had a number of users upgrade to Panther and discover the RAM
that was fine with Jag wasn't with Panther. We've also come across some USB
devices that can cause sleep problems.

I don't want to jinx it, but I think I fixed it. First of all, thank you for your detailed response. After trying repair permissions and cron scripts (with no effect), I booted into open firmware and tried the "reset-nvram reset-all" trick. I rebooted and put the computer to sleep last night and it hasn't crashed since. I've put it to sleep a few times this morning with no ill effects.

So far, so good. (keeping my fingers crossed)

thanks again,

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