I picked up a PowerLogix Blue Chip/WS 466 for my Wallstreet 233MHz/512kB recently. (A _very_ nice upgrade, by the way. The Wallstreet now gives my Pismo 500 a run for it's money on most tasks.) It didn't come with it's original heat sink disk, so I transplanted one from the 233's CPU.

Well, the thing was running at a hot 181F last night, and I was a little concerned that the heatsink wasn't making good contact with the CPU. So I went out and picked up some thermal grease (Arctic Silver 5, if that means anything to you). After applying the compound, my Wallstreet/466 is now running at a cool 131F! Big improvement!

Given the recent conversation on overheating PowerBooks, I thought you all might like that tip. Scrape off (and carefully clean away) whatever is left of the original thermal grease and apply some new stuff. It makes a HUGE difference in CPU temperatures.


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