The National Enquirer reports at 8:54 AM -0400 9/30/04, K wrote:

>Exactly what do these "scripts" do and are they absolutely necessary?  I
>usually have the iMac on overnite...usually sleeping but never leave the
>Pismo on o/n...Both running 10.3.5.....Is it absolutely necessary to
>have these things run?  I usually run the Disk Repair and Repair
>Permissions from the original Panther disk in addition to Disk Warrior
>3.2 about once a month.  Also, is there some kind of update for the
>Repair permissions thing?  I seem to remember some discussion a while
>back about the version on the panther disk being outdated for 10.3.5
>Regards and I do have my Towel!!!
>Mike K

Hi Mike,
  It almost sounds like you're confusing the maintenance scripts with 
repairing permissions. They're not the same at all.

But nonetheless, when repairing permissions, you **always** ought to 
do repair permissions by running Disk Utility...

from your hard drive, not system CD.

Repair Permissions should actually be run when *booted* from the 
volume you're repairing, since it actually uses certain files on that 
volume to determine *what* the permissions should be.

In more detail:
Apple recommends this method, as it supposedly provides a more 
accurate repair. Supposedly, the reason it's more accurate when run 
from the hard drive is that the Repair Permissions function uses the 
contents of /Library/Receipts on the boot volume to figure out what 
is installed and what permissions should be set for which files. When 
booted from the CD, it looks at /Library/Receipts on the CD, which 
may or may not be optimal for the hard drive it is repairing. When 
booted from the hard drive, Disk Utility looks at the 
/Library/Receipts contents for the hard drive, giving a more accurate 

Also see:
<>  Item #1

On the other hand, when you run *Disk Repair*, you need to run it 
from another volume (CD. partition, H.D., whatever), because you 
can't repair a volume that you're using.


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