The National Enquirer reports at 12:11 AM +0200 10/3/04, Mikael 
Byström wrote:

>I'm at my mothers in the country and have problems with disconnects and
>bad or no communication with the ISP server at the other end. The modem
>is a Global Village Teleport 56 standalone modem connected to the modem
>port of a Beige G3.
>I have no problems connecting with my internal modem in my Powerbook G4/
>400 (a MiniSpring V.90), using the exact same account and the same modem
>to wall cord.

What OS are you using????? OS X? Can you boot into OS 9?

>The symptoms:
>1. Connects fine and IP address is given, but it's not possible to go
>anywhere and pings to nameservers and elsewhere I tried fail. After a few
>minutes the modem is disconnected.

If it dials out, connects, gets an IP address, the computer-t0-modem 
connection is working.

>2. Using the Techtool 3.06 modem test, analog loopback and analog self-
>test fails. The rest of the tests, like modem DTE, DTE Max, Register,
>ROM-Selftest, Dial Tone, Hook Test, Digital Loop req, and speaker test
>seem to go fine. At least TT doesn't notice and as far as I can judge
>they do succeed.

I remember something funky about the TTP modem test. I don't recall 
the specifics though. (Do you need a loop-back connector to run that 
test?) So, I wouldn't put a whole lot of confidence in that test at 
the moment.

>I'm naturally suspecting the cable from Mac to modem (non removable), but
>the modem is supposed to be working well on another machine, though that
>was a while ago. As the old modem, now defunct, was hit by lightning,
>chances are that also the computers serial ports was fried, but to me it
>seems more likely to have fried completely in such a situation.

I hate non-removable modem cables.

>The analysis is further complicated by the fact that the phone line have
>a a strong ground loop buzz from outside the house, which could affect
>the connection unless one uses a bad phone line modem script. However, as
>my internal PB G4 modem doesn't have problems I'm not sure why the GV
>Teleport would.

Can you connect a regular phone to that line and/or connector? If so, 
pick up the receiver and dial one numerical digit. Then listen and 
see if you hear that buzz, or any noise at all. That should tell you 
whether the line/connector is bad.

>Could be of course the script or the modem in itself in
>the PBG4 has better error correction.

That's very possible.

>Any suggestions what to try next? You feel that the test failures
>indicate that finding a better modem script is futile?

I was originally going to suggest using a terminal program (not OS X 
Terminal), like  ZTerm1.0.1, and then send the modem an AT command 
(to get its attention). If the computer is communicating with the 
modem, you will get a response back in the terminal program. (It's 
been years since I have done this, I want to say it responds with 
"hello" but I'm not sure.)

The reason for asking about OS 9 is that ZTerm still works in OS 9.

You can still do that if you want to confirm the connection. But as I 
said above, it sounds like that part is working.

>Unfortunately I don't have another working machine with serial ports, nor
>a second working standalone modem.

Try connecting the modem to the printer port. Make sure you tell the 
software that you are using a different port. See if it works there.

I'll look and see if I can find something about GV modem scripts. Did 
you Google to try to find anything?


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