At 3:33 PM +0000 2/21/06, Ivan wrote:
Hi fellow listers,
I'm thinking about using my old biege G3 300mhz as a web server, installing Jaguar or Panther (with XPostfacto) on it. Do any listers have any experience of using a similar set-up and how did it work out? I'd like to know what server apps you used and any other info that would be useful to me.

I have a Beige G3 running as a server under OS 9. None of the Beige G3s I have seem stable enough under X, either Jag or Panther. They have a tendency to freeze at random.

I do have a B&W G3 running under Panther as a server. I have DHCP, DNS, FileMaker Pro, iTunes, Darwin QuickTime Streaming Server and AFP running as services on it. I use Webmin to control / administer DHCP and DNS. It all works pretty well. DHCP doesn't (yet) start up automatically when the server starts. I'm also having trouble getting DHCP to recognize client IDs and assigning static IPs accordingly. I'm also looking to setup VPN and NTP services.
Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

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