With apologies for cross posting.

I've been contacted by McGraw Hill to help them revise their online site for Steven Harris' _New Testament Introduction_.


Currently I'm working on updating the web links to each of the Harris chapters.

Under the rubric of many hands make light work, I wonder if I could ask List Members to help me out with this?

Specifically, I'd like anyone who cares to do so to go to the URL above, click on a given chapter, click again on the "web links" button of that chapter, and then not only check out which links are working, but, most importantly, send me your suggestions for good links and online resources that might be added to that chapter's list of web links.

I'd like to focus for now on Chapter 3 The Two Worlds in Which Christianity Originated: Jewish and Greek


Chapter 4 The Troubled World Into Which Jesus Was Born


and Chapter 5 The Diverse World of First-Century Judaisms


But if you have a particular chapter for which you have special knowledge regarding links and online resources, please have a go at that one.

Unless people with to see these suggestions, it's probably best to send them to me OFF LIST at [EMAIL PROTECTED].

Many thanks in advance for your help with this.



Jeffrey B. Gibson, D.Phil. (Oxon)
1500 W. Pratt Blvd.
Chicago, Illinois

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