An exhibit in Singapore reportedly will include "two fragments of the Dead Sea 
Jim Davila at
19 June posted that and added some discussion or questions including some from 
me and Matthew Hamilton. (One small correction: I think Jordan nationalized 
the Palestine Archaeological Museum/Rockefeller in 1966 rather than 1956.) 
Though I've read that the Vatican Library donated money in 1951 to buy 
fragments from bedouin, the three of us are unaware that any of those 
fragments ever were sent to the Vatican Library. (I didn't locate any in their 
online catalog, though I'm not positive I used fully.) The exhibit is not 
limited to that source, though.

I have heard from the Asian Civilisation Museum co-curator that the fragments 
are quite small, around 1.5 cm x 2 cm each. One in Hebrew is reportedly from 
Daniel. The other is in Aramaic "but cannot be deciphered."

I have written back to request further information about provenance, current 
collection, which Daniel text (which third person masculine singular imperfect 
hitpa'el), whether these have been or will be published (apparently a catalog 
for the exhibit is planned).

Anyone know more?
Stephen Goranson

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