
On Fri, 2008-08-29 at 14:17 -0400, Wallace Adrian D'Alessio wrote:
> Only the enticements to further products and services are free. There
> is no free Linux lunch in the endgame.
  Real usable Linux distros are free to download and use.  There are
also commercial versions and support that can be bought. The average
user does not normally need them, though.  The point that was being made
here was that so many Linux users get their product for free that
tracking market penetration is hard.  I have upgraded a number of
Windows users and one Mac user to Linux and I did not charge anyone.  No
product was purchased for any of these installs.

> >And while there are big shops who use them exclusively
> > (Yahoo comes to mind), I'm not convinced a lot of end-users are on
> > that bandwagon yet.
> Some large print houses, movie studios and video production houses are
> rapidly moving to Linux solutions. the application list has grown and
> the relative ease of custom applications is also a draw.
> >How many Linux distros are there and how does Joe
> > Average User determine which is the one to use?
  There are lots of Linux distros and that is a good thing.  This
diversity has created a lot of experimentation and helped make Linux the
easiest and most powerful OS for the average person to use.  It is
becoming clear that the average user should start with Ubuntu.

> Too many and that is part of the threat. It is spreading virally. By
> the time it gets to where the nay sayers notice it, it will be too
> late. Apple might be gone. At least as an OS  publisher. As long ans
> Intel Macs run windows there will be hardware production. Is that what
> you and others want? A Mac that comes with Windows 7 ( for example)
> installed. Who's the clone now? Or Should Isay more accurately. Macs
> are PC clones now. but that would be too much truth for the
> entrenched.
> >No, I think OS X has a
> > lot of room to expand yet, there's no threat from the Linux/*BSD
> > crowd.
> ???  You should say that to one of them!  They are a community based
> "religion". Evangelists for the cause to a man/ woman. True believers
> on a mission. A hidden swarm.
  I am a bit of an evangelist.  But, it is all based on the utility,
value and practicality of the product.  Well, mostly anyway.  To
simplify by anthropomorphization, Linux respects its users.  Sometimes,
that value outweighs a cute widget or feature.

> > Bruce has already spelled it out pretty clearly. It's quite simple.
> > Don't want to pay for Apple-branded goods? Then don't.
  This is really too simple.  I do like OSX.  I run it on a G4 Mac
tower.  I won't buy an Intel based Mac because of the treacherous
firmware that Apple loads on each one.  If I buy a copy of 10.5(I only
have Tiger at present) and want to load in on a PC of my choosing, I
believe I have the right to do that.  Apple does not like that and puts
language into their EULA they think will prevent it.  But, that language
is not enforceable(and certainly not ethical), as far as I can tell.
Think of it this way.  If Sears started selling two classes of
screwdrivers, where one was licensed to insert screws and the other was
licensed to remove screws, would you feel it was wrong to buy one
screwdriver and do both?  The Apple license restriction is purely
artificial and just as arbitrary.  If it is relatively easy to install
OSX on a non-Apple PC, then the EULA restriction is tying, and hence
illegal and unenforceable.  IANAL, but that is how I see it.

Good day,

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