On 9/13/08 2:55 PM, insightinmind of [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent

> On Sep 13, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Dana Collins wrote:
>> (again, presuming your RAM sticks are sufficient to mount the OS). Try
>> installing OS X on a small HD with the one RAM stick in place - an
>> "improper" (as in failed) install will always be the result with bad
>> RAM. I
>> know, it takes a while, but at least you'll know for sure.
>> HTH,
>> Dana
> Hi Dana,
> Wondering what a minimum requirement might be for Panther? 128MB,
> 256MB? more?
> The sticks I'm working with are 64MB each ... or 128MB paired up ...
> Bill Connelly

Hi Bill,
The minimum req. for Panther is (iirc) 128Mb, the minimum for Tiger is
256Mb, and for Leopard it is 512Mb. For OS 9, seeing that this is part of
the mix

64Mb. Eh? Wow! Do you have several, I presume? I would start with a pair,
with the goal of reaching a known state with 2 of them known to be good,
giving you a good goal state. My guess is that not ALL of your modules are
bad (nor the same re; the slots they plug into), so start with two. In OS 9
you would have better (or quicker) luck with the boot-up test, as you can
get by w/ 64Mb only. I used to use a beige G3 to test the RAM for a B+W. I
would put the sticks in it and simply start up; the bad RAM would always
elicit the fabled "crash" or "sad chime" sound. Since you mentioned 64Mb
sticks, you must be using a machine no later than a B+W, correct? And that
would mean able to boot into OS 9 with just 64Mb. So....Here's what I would
do. If you have an HD with OS 9 only on it, install that as the master
drive, then proceed to boot up with one 64Mb RAM stick at a time (you may
need to zap the PRAM first time you boot in this condition), the goal being
to obtain two known-good RAM sticks. Then switch up to the OS X drive,
booting up with the two known-good sticks (128Mb), then swapping one of the
sticks with one stick at a time to ascertain the condition of the others.
Again, sounds like a long process, but it's a solid way to determine a good

If time is more valuable, Bill, let me through out another thought that
breaks the paradigm. 64Mb RAM sticks (PC-100) can be had for a song, and
many swaplist folks are quite honorable and trustworthy re: the veracity of
their items. What would it take, I wonder, to simply replace your suspected
sticks with good ones?  I think I have some hale ones myself-reach me
off-list and I'll just send them to you! Just an alternate thought.
HTH (again),

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