
I'm no fan of Windows, but saying the latest is just a redressed DOS is 
understating it a bit. From the heady days of pre-Windows 98 where 
everything needed drivers, XP and Vista is getting more Mac like in its 
ability to cope with hardware using generic drivers built into the OS.

You should care what Apple does with it's OS. We use a Mac for its OS. Macs 
are just standard hardware wrapped in shiney Apple designs, it is the OS 
that makes the difference. I use a Mac, mainly for its OS, the lovely 
design of them is a bonus.

Linux is something new. It has gone from being a minority command-line 
nerdy OS to a less of a minority, slowly gaining ground, less command-line 
more GUI. Commercial companies are tapping into the success of Ubuntu and 
making it more successful.

At the end of the day an OS is just a user interface to the software you 
want to run. Sure intuitive, fun, stable and easy to use are key reasons 
behind an OS, but it is just a platform to what else you want to do on your 

What else could a company bring to an OS that hasn't already been done 
before. It is a simple navigational piece of software which allows you to 
do other things nicely without having to type out code. When Leopard and 
Vista came out they were slammed for their 'fancy effects' but these are 
the same things that drives them forward.

I am happy with the current offerings - at least on the Mac front. Tiger 
and Leopard are some of the best experiences you can get on a Mac and they 
are pretty impressive. To a lesser extent XP and Vista are vast 
improvements on Windows. Ubuntu 7 is miles ahead of previous incarnations.

We are progressing, but no flying cars I'm afraid.


--- - Mac news, reviews, guides, upgrades, 
hacks and more... - - webmaster for Norwich Mac User 
Group - The box said requires Windows XP or better, so I bought an Apple 

On Sep 22 2008, Doug Burton wrote:

On Sep 21, 2008, at 10:49 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

> <>
> "But the concept reflects the actual business that Apple is in. Apple
> does not sell operating systems. They sell computers. Microsoft does
> not sell computers; they sell operating systems. (Apple’s boxed $129
> versions of Mac OS X are just upgrades; they only work on computers
> that Apple has already sold.)
> Apple and Microsoft are undeniably engaged in one of the longest
> running and most interesting rivalries in business history, but it is
> very odd in that it is an orthogonal rivalry. Apple’s direct
> competition isn’t Microsoft but instead PC makers who sell computers
> running Windows."
> --
> Bruce Johnson

Oh great, another Apple blogger gets it.  I'm thrilled.  So what?  Why  
does it matter if anyone "gets it"?  And just what is "it" by the  
way?  I for one don't really care what Apple does with it's OS X  
software.  Oh sure, it's a pretty new face on an old OS, but that's  
all it is.  The same with Windows, it's just DOS all dressed up and  
not much else.  Linux is nothing new, but at least it's free.  When is  
someone going to come out with a truly NEW OS?  BE was kind of neat,  
but it was only a simple combination of the best features of Windows  
and the Mac OS.  No, I can't say I'm impressed with the current crop  
of offerings.  To use the car analogy, it's much the same there.   
Where are the flying cars we were promised years ago?  I guess my  
point to all of this is that people are never satisfied.  Give them  
the world and they want a new world.  I guess Mars will be next as  
there wasn't much up on the moon.

I wasn't around during the horse and buggy days, but I have several  
Amish families on my mail route.  They seem happy and content to  
travel around at their slow pace.  And we had a recent wind event here  
in the midwest with a power outage for several days (some still don't  
have power).  It made me realize just how much we take for granted  
with our cushy lifestyles.  I guess there is nothing wrong with  
arguing over things we have no control over, Apple will do what it  
wants to do and MS will do the same.  A shame though to waste the  
precious little time we have here on earth in pointless discussions.   
But then, what else is there to do?

Just a sermon from Doug...

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