On Sep 22, 2008, at 7:41 PM, Simon Royal wrote:

> Chuck
> Yes it is actually a Pioneer 112D in a 5.25" external firewire case  
> with its own 'walled' power supply and on and off switch on the case.
> With the iPod hooked up and the writer switched on at the wall and  
> not the unit, the iPod will charge and not mount.
> With the iPod hooked up and the writer on at wall and on at unit  
> then the iPod will mount and work fine.
> Simon
> --- www.simonroyal.co.uk and www.nmug.org.uk (sent using Nokia E71)
O.K  ----> SWAG  [Scientific WildA** Guess], based on 35+ years of  
fiddling with Micro Computers.

The Wall wart being on, is powering the External case internal power  
connections, hence the power availability for the iPod.
The Case switch is turning on/off the DVD drive itself and the  
interface circuitry, hence the ability for the computer to then 'see'  
the iPod.

It may not be a correct guess, but it does fit what's been describe,  
and is thus useful for future planning, unless other quirks show up.

[Probably just what you have already concluded, but it is sometimes  
helpful to have a second opinion.]

Chuck D.

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