> Hi.
> I've never been a subscriber to massive hard drives.
> What does the average user do with all that space? Who actually uses  
> 1000GB? Then you have the question of backing up. The larger the  
> storage the larger the back up needed.
> The largest drive I have had is 160GB which came in my Intel iMac.  
> At the moment I have 100GB of music stored on a 120GB hard drive,  
> which I bought merely to keep all my music in one place. I have a  
> 20GB boot drive for crying out loud.
> My PowerBook G3 Pismo came with a 40GB hard drive which I think is a  
> little bit of overkill as I have only used 10GB.
> It is not that I don't do heavy work. I am a graphic designer who  
> works in Quark, Photoshop and Illustrator. I use iMovie for video  
> editing and make a lot of backup disc images.
> I just think massive drives are bought for the 'ive got 500GB' wow  
> factor rather than if you actually need or use it.
> A PC friend of mine has a 500GB Western Digital external drive and  
> never goes over 200GB of it. What a waste of money.
> Simon

I have a LaCie d2 Quadra hard drive. It's a 500GB drive. And, it's  
full. I use the drive as a Time Machine backup drive for my Aluminum  
iMac (which has a 320GB internal drive, 12GB free) and for some light  
Final Cut video editing.

The reason that drive is actually so full right now is that I've just  
finished a fairly big editing project, and that ate up most of my  
space. It's about time to get that off there. Still, there is a use  
for a drive that big. I actually plan to buy one or two more in the  
future, and a nice little rack for their storage at some point in the  
future, cost permitting.

For normal computing, though, I have to agree. 500GB is overkill. I  
have a 120GB HDD in my Pismo (because it was something like $3 more  
expensive than an 80GB HDD when I bought it) and it's still got 70GB  
free. That has raw footage from a football game imported. Before that,  
I had about 90GB available. I don't think that I even have 70GB  
available when you combine the amount of free disk space on the three  
hard drives I have hooked up to my iMac.

Still, I do see your point. And I do think that there are some people  
out there who buy big expensive things just to have big expensive  
things. I know some of those people. But I'm not one of them.


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