On Oct 11, 2008, at 5:22 PM, Wilton Shaw wrote:

 > Hello,
 > About a year or so ago, I upgraded my internet speed to Verizon DHL
 > and noticed a considerable improvement. Recently, things have slowed
 > way down. When I open Safari I have to wait 20 or more seconds for
 > the home page to open. When I try to open any other page, the blue
 > ribbon at the top of the page takes 20 to 60 seconds to cross from
 > left to right to reach a point that activates any movement.
 > Any suggestions as to what has happened?
 > I have an eMac, using OS 10.5.5.

Two other things to try if Safari is slow:

1. Safari will open faster if you set it to bring up a blank page at
startup.  (See preferences)

2. If you are using a third party Ad Blocker such as SarfariBlock try
disabling it.  The ad blocker can really slow down down the rendering
of pages.

Lyle Syverson

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