On Oct 12, 2008, at 12:18 AM, Dan wrote:

> At 5:22 PM -0400 10/11/2008, Wilton Shaw wrote:
>> eMac, using OS 10.5.5.
>> Verizon DHL
> Is this ADSL -- you can use the internet while you talk on the
> telephone, or some other versions?
> What speed service, downstream and up?
        Thanks for all suggestios about my problem. I have had sickness  
lately and haven;t been answering my emails. I will try to answer the  
specific questione you have asked.
Yes, this is ADSL  I can use the internet and talk on the telephome at  
the same time.

>> things have slowed way down.
> We're going to need specifics.  "things" covers a lot.  Does the
> problem occur with other applications, or just Safari?  What about
> with Firefox?
        The problem seems to occur with with anything I try to do. It does it  
with both Safari and Firefos.
By the way, I seem to have done something I should't have because all  
the words I am now typing appear with a red line under them.
>> When I open Safari I have to wait 20 or more seconds for the home
>> page to open. When I try to open any other page, the blue ribbon at
>> the top of the page takes 20 to 60 seconds to cross from left to
>> right to reach a point that activates any movement.
> Have you tried clearing Safari's cache and website icons?
        I have cleared the cache. I'm not sure about how to clear the website  

> Does this delay seem to be while the browser is trying to find the
> site, or while it's obtaining data from it?  Look at the bottom of
> the window - is it "stuck" saying contacting or connecting or ...?
        I would say mostly both, trying to find the site and while obtaining  
data from it. For example, if I click on Bookmarks, the window opens  
immediately but trying to open "Banking" takes time.

> Run a speed test here and tell us the results:
> <http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/>
        This speed test says 731/128. I called Verizon and had them check my  
spees. They said it was 864/160.

        I will send some more answere as soon as possible.

> Launch Terminal.app and issue these two commands, then copy the full
> results and paste 'em into a reply here:
>   dig www.google.com
>   traceroute www.google.com
> HTH,
> - Dan.
> -- 
> - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth
> >

Wilton Shaw

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