On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 12:10 PM, Bruce Johnson
> On Oct 22, 2008, at 1:30 AM, Simon Royal wrote:
>> Hi
>> I thought this was a bit odd. Apple and Psystar come to a settlement.
>> It seems Apple aren't going to bury the clone makers like everyone
>> thought,
>> more of a slap on the wrist and stop building your clones.
>> http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/10/19/1511231&from=rss
> As a rule, if a legal thread comes up on Slashdot, run away. You will
> lose 30 IQ points reading the id10t's posting like they actually know
> their arses from holes in the ground.
> The case is NOT settled, this is simply a report that the two parties
> have moved to non-court dispute settlement: ie: hashing it out in the
> lawyers offices.
> <http://www.macobserver.com/article/2008/10/16.9.shtml>
> READ the filing. There is NO mention WHATSOEVER about the terms of the
> settlement. Nothing in there says squat about 'slap on the wrist'. It
> could well be the judge telling them "Get this stupid case out of my
> courtroom NOW!"
> It would be interesting to know what's really going on, because
> Psystar's anti-trust claims against Apple are laughable on their face.
> BY DEFINTION an illegal trust MUST involve MORE THAN ONE COMPANY.
> Apple, despite the fevered dreams of the 'iwaanacheepmac!!!!11!!'
> crowd, a computer company with <10% of the market share, could not
> POSSIBLY form an 'illegal monopoly', any more than Ford has an
> 'illegal monopoly' on Mustangs.


What is the opposite of 'iwaanacheepmac!!!!11!!'?


Apple certainly does not want the general public to be aware that
there is a Mac OS running alternative. And they certainly have the
money to afford the justice they want.

Keeping this cat from coming out of the bag with the holiday sales
season come up makes a lot of marketing sense. All that ad money
portraying Microsoft as stubborn and entrenched in it's own selfish
policies at the expense of an uninformed public would backfire if
there was a hint that Apple had it's own rigid agenda to keep the
consumer misdirected.

Can you hear that in the background? That is sound of the Linux
flavors creeping up to pounce on the market in a major way while Apple
tries to ignore the need of an Apple OS for the PC. When that happens
Apple will be all too willing to jump into the off the shelf OS
market. But it will be too late.

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