My 2ยข worth...  Stick with Tiger.  I'm sure that Leopard can be made to 
work but it will be SLOW..



Samantha Goodson wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2008, at 7:50 AM, Doug Burton wrote:
>> I have the same machine and mine is staying with 10.4.11.  For one  
>> thing, I've  heard that Leopard was optimized for Intel machines and  
>> I did try to run it on my upgraded DA with a 1.6 Ghz CPU.  I didn't  
>> like it, ran slow and choppy.  
> But couldn't that have been an artifact of the original DA architecture 
> or the amount of ram you had installed?
> I have a dual 533MHz DA, and when I first began contemplating moving to 
> Leopard I thought about just upgrading it, but Leopard wants a minimum 
> 867MHz processor to install.  There are all sorts of ways around this, 
> but I decided not to tempt fate.  I have a dual 867MHZ MDD like Bill's 
> on the way and a retail leopard disk.  The MDD has 768MB of RAM in it, 
> but I'm planning on getting it up to the 2GB maximum and possibly 
> upgrading the video card.   When I have it all set up, I'll let y'all 
> know how it goes.
> Peace, Love, and Joy,
> SaJe Goodson

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