At 7:21 PM -0800 12/20/2008, Ernest L. Gunerius wrote:
>  I have always, since moving to OSX, selected MacOS Extended (Not

Not a good choice.

Journaling is THE main mechanism that HFS+ (Mac OS Extended) now 
depends upon to maintain much of its integrity across bad crashes. 
It is probably THE best enhancement to HFS ever.  But you've turned 
it off...

>and never use Spotlight. I find Cmd F to be good enough.

If a spotlight index exists on the volume, then the Finder's search 
(cmd-F) uses it!  So you DO use Spotlight.

>Is Cmd F still Sherlock?


>Does the:
>>sudo mdutil -i off /Volumes/*
>>sudo mdutil -E /Volumes/*
>>sudo mdutil -i on /Volumes/*
>fix the Un-mountable Volumes?

No.  Those commands only deal with the Spotlight indices on 
functioning mounted volumes.

As to your un-mountable volumes... Sorry - Your subject was mds.  The 
rest I took to be resolved background information.  So to go back to 
your original post....

>[replaced monitor] and then the trouble really began with many KP's 
>and very slow response from Safari 3 and Camino 1.5.

It would be helpful to see some of the kernal panic logs.  Don't post 
them to this mailing list tho - zip 'em up and send them to me as an 

>I tried to do a SuperDuper BU to my other drive but that failed. To
>keep this short all I tried has resulted in my having lost most of my
>saved recent Email and all of my acquired Applications.

Why did the backup fail - exactly what was the error message?

>My immediate problem is the mds Process using all the CPU and the
>curious fact that Disk Utility will neither Test, Repair or erase the
>250G or the 420G drives and reports they cannot be Unmounted. I have
>Shut down and restarted several time with no change in that report.

Sometimes Spotlight gets a death grip on a volume.  Very annoying. 
Do the "mdutil -i off" command to disable the indexing.  Then try 
Disk Utility.  If it still has problems, then try booting into Safe 
Mode (shift key held down) to run Disk Utility, or boot from your OS 
X DVD...

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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